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Updates; Photo's, Nanton - "Lady Orchid", Email's



Well it has been quite a few months since the last update; I have received numerous photos for posting, with a few biographies to go along. Other photo’s I have not posted as I am awaiting written material from the senders. It is easier for me to add photos once I have inserted the text, so I patiently wait, besides who wants to be indoors during the summer including me.


Nanton Lancaster Society Museum is hosting some special events this year, one in particular will be the 14th and 15th of August. They have a number of activities scheduled for these two days; one in particular is the unveiling of “Lady Orchid” Nose-art.



Ronnie Jenkins - Pilot for "Lady Orchid"





"Lady Orchid"

As you may be aware I have a detailed story posted on the 434 Squadron web site, as well the Nanton Lancaster web site has a lot of info on “Lady Orchid” and the events for that weekend.






Sgt. Bruce Baird, R/AG for "Lady Orchid"




Well that is all for now…


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